January Creative Exchange Hangout Recap & Video
On January 28th, Springboard for the Arts Director of Movement Building Carl Atiya Swanson sat down to chat with Director of Artist Services Andy Sturdevant about the Community Supported Art program. Created in partnership with Springboard and mnartists.org, CSA just celebrated its 5th year, and with a toolkit, has been replicated in over 40 communities across North America.
Community Supported Art is modeled on the Community Supported Agriculture model of connecting growers and makers to a community of buyers and collectors. The program commissions artists to create shares of work that are then sold to buyers, creating direct connection and builds organic community. Sturdevant spoke about the growth of the program, its adaptations and shared some samples of work that had been included over the years.
Most importantly, Sturdevant pointed out, the CSA toolkit is designed to be adapted and modified to the community that uses it. And when you request the toolkit, the can connect with him directly to talk through issues and share learning, building a network of practitioners as well.