Visual Arts

Adam Lerner is the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.

Adam Lerner is mixing tastes at MCA Denver

Fact: MCA Denver Director Adam Lerner grew up in Queens, New York, in a family of Jewish immigrants who square danced competitively. As the youngest dancer at the AL'e'MO Squares square dance club,…

Andrew Novick posing with a model from his Blood Lustre photography exhibit.

The weird world of Andrew Novick: Blood, pancakes and punk rock

"If I'm not back in a few hours," I said to my husband on an otherwise ordinary Saturday, "let the police know I was having coffee with the man who makes art out of human blood." My fears were put to…

Brian Corrigan's

Meet Brian Corrigan, Denver's "Oh Heck Yeah" phenom

It was during an unlikely -- and very cool -- marriage of something Pong and Space Invaders-like in downtown Denver last year when Brian Corrigan had himself an "aha!" moment. It was Create Denver…

A postcard showcasing Denver's skyline and sunshine.

If you heart local, you will love I Heart Denver

The idea of selling merchandise that celebrates a place is not new -- especially along Denver's 16th Street Mall. But Samuel Schimek has come up with a new and hip model for locally made goods that…

Jolt works in the GuerillaGarden.

Guerilla Gardening with Jolt, Denver Street Artist Deluxe

This is a story about a graffiti artist. A graffiti artist who, by his own admission, has found various additional outlets for his talent. He's done commercial work, he's been commissioned to create…

 Williams inspires the DIY ethic in our local community by offering workshops.

Life Hacks with Mar Williams

Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves, but Marlana Williams -- Mar, for short -- prefers to wear her hacks on her sleeves. Her tattoo sleeves, that is. The most surprising thing about…

John Haywood

John Haywood re-paints the narrative of what it means to be Appalachian and to be an artist

John Haywood grew up in the Appalachian region of southeastern Kentucky with dreams of becoming a rock star. But mountain folk don't become rock stars. Mountain folk don't even go to college.…

The FAME Shop

Clement Brown, Jr. celebrates Fashion, Arts, Music & Entertainment in an underserved area of Detroit

The west side neighborhood around the intersection of Joy Rd. and Meyers in Detroit can be a tough place, but theFAME Shop, located at 10608 Joy Road, is a brightening presence. FAME…

Joan Vorderbruggen

Joan Vorderbruggen is the one-woman powerhouse behind Minneapolis's Made Here

There's really no better word that can be used to accurately describe Joan Vorderbruggen than "dynamic." Vorderbruggen has a dynamic personality that she is able to use to lead dynamic public art…

Power House

How public art builds safer, stronger neighborhoods

In April of 2014, Damian Woetzel and the Aspen Institute Arts Program convened a Strategy Group in Detroit. This convening brought together local and national experts: artists and leaders in arts,…

Jonathan Sears

PAR Projects is building a home for arts education and programming in Cincinnati's Northside

Things don't always work out the way you plan, but they do tend to work out the way they're supposed to. Jonathan Sears is the co-founder of Professional Artistic Research (PAR) Projects, though he…

Jun-Li Wang leads an Observation Tour

Artists as community leaders

What a journey! Three years ago, Springboard for the Arts launched Irrigate, a creative placemaking project in partnership with the City of Saint Paul and the Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support…

Freddy Sam

Revitalizing Baltimore's Station North with art and design

These stories are brought to you by a partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the NEA’s Our Town program. How can a distressed urban area capitalize on its creative artists,…

Amanda Lovelee

St. Paul City Artist Amanda Lovelee inspires joyful connections

Amanda Lovelee’s life and work have taken her all over the world. A native of upstate New York, she graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, has traveled extensively…

Asia Ward

Artist/educator Asia Ward: Creating the unexpected through a singular blend of art and science

Asia Ward Bre McGee Science, magic, memory and art: These are among the tools artist and…

Hunter Franks

Hunter Franks leads simple steps of creativity to inspire big change in Akron

This story was originally published on Knight Blog here. Artist Hunter Franks uses people as his medium to break down barriers and make neighborhoods more neighborly. It’s simple, really. He invites…

Jessie Rommelt

Bunker Projects is an experimental gallery and live/work space for artists to engage the community

Artists Jessie Rommelt, Abagail Beddall, and Cecilia Ebitz all graduated from Penn State University in 2011. The three friends decided to head over to Pittsburgh afterwards, the closest city with an…

Viviane Le Courtois

Viviane Le Courtois creates processes and Processus

Viviane Le Courtois is a Denver-based multi-media artist from Brittany, France. Her work ranges from etchings and drawings to video to interactive installation pieces that go outside of the studio…

Andrew Simonet

Artists U teaches artists how to make a life

The hardest thing about making a life as an artist is actually making a life as an artist. That's where Artists U comes in. Andrew Simonet is a choreographer and a writer who directed the Headlong…

Yvonne Escalante

Of corn and men: Yvonne Escalante explores themes of social and environmental justice through corn

Corn: it's a rather pedestrian agricultural product. Chances are, you probably don't think too much about corn as you go about your daily life. You buy ears of corn for your summer barbecues. You…

Ta-coumba Aiken

Public art as social activism: Ta-coumba Aiken creates art that heals the heart and soul

Ta-coumba Aiken grew up in Evanston, Illinois during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, the rise of the Black Panther Party and Black Power, and the prominence of the NAACP's civil rights…

Lisa Hoffman

The McColl Center offers urban residencies to socially-conscious artists

What is "environmental art"? Specifically, environmental art is public art that mitigates some sort of environmental issue at its location site. But in a more general sense, environmental art…

Sara Ansell

The Porch Light Program takes the transformative power of art to the streets

The Porch Light Program is a program of the City of Philadelphia's Mural Arts, a citywide transformative arts project that has been ongoing for 30 years. Porch Light takes the idea of the…

Cindy Stockton Moore

Grizzly Grizzly is an artist collective focused on citywide collaboration

When it comes to identifying which arts organization is behind what art project in the city of Philadelphia, attributions can get a little tricky. While artists today are generally known to proffer a…

Sarah Beth Nesbit

ZERO1 is where art and technology converge

ZERO1: The Art & Technology Network in San Jose is where art meets technology to shape the future. It is a nonprofit art and technology organization with the mission of providing a platform for…

Daniel Fila

Don't call it graffiti: Daniel Fila is a professional fine artist who paints murals all over Miami

Before Art Basel made Miami Beach a world-renowned destination for modern and contemporary art, artists like Daniel Fila were laying the groundwork for Miami's exploding street art scene. "In the…

Jai Tanju

A picture is worth a thousand words: Jai Tanju gives a personal touch to digital works

If you scroll through photographer Jai Tanju's tumblr page, you'll find exactly the kinds of images you would expect to see from someone who got his start in skateboarding photography: boards in…

Annabel Manning

Annabel Manning's work as a participatory artist gives voice to the silent, suppressed, invisible

In September 2001, Annabel Manning had been living in New York for over 15 years. After 9/11, she decided to move to Pennsylvania and work on a farm. That was 12 years ago, and she speaks haltingly…

Oskar Ly

Oskar Ly's work reconciles her identities as a Second-Generation-Hmong-Queer-Asian-Woman-Artist

There are roughly 30,000 Hmong-Americans living in Saint Paul, Minnesota today, more than any other city in the country. The Twin Cities Metro area has a Hmong population of 64,000. While those may…