Springboard for the Arts

Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists

Developed by Springboard for the Arts, Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists is based on a series of professional development and entrepreneurship workshops that have been taught at arts…

World Dance Party

Are you looking to build connections between elders and young people? Do you want to strengthen ties between neighbors of different ethnicities? Do you want people to have a space to have fun and…

Arte Apoyada por la Comunidad

Gracias por su interés en el programa modelo de mnartist.org y Springboard for the Arts Arte Apoyada por la Comunidad (CSA por sus siglas en inglés). Estamos entusiasmados con la respuesta que hemos…

The People's Creative Toolkit

Your story has to be told, and a lot of people have to listen. But how do you tell your story to get them to listen? And who is “them,” anyway? These are questions we have to address with every…

Healthcare Voucher Program and Free Healthcare Days Toolkit

Navigating healthcare and health insurance resources can be complex, and creating effective programs can take a lot of time, resources and relationships. This toolkit is great for replicating a whole…

Open-air Social Dance Series

"How come there is no public dancing in Chicago?" That was the question in 1997 that prompted the creation of the first SummerDance, an outdoor, public, free dance series in parks in Chicago. Since…

IRRIGATE: Artist-Led Community Development

Cities and neighborhoods need creative thinking. Particularly when communities are facing big challenges, artists see opportunity in challenge, beauty in chaos and have practical skills and creative…

Neighborhood Postcard Project

Perceptions of marginalized communities often form from single media sources. All you see on the news is the violence, drugs, and poverty. But, there are many positive stories that exist in these…

Artists' Health Fair

Navigating healthcare and health insurance resources can be complex, and creating effective programs can take a lot of time, resources and relationships. This toolkit is great for replicating a…

Community Supported Art

Over the last 20 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy seasonal food directly from local farms. With the same buy-direct, buy-local spirit in…

The Road To A Community Plan

Creating a community plan that is strategic about engagement & provides opportunities for underrepresented groups to be involved can be a daunting proposal, but is critical to effective…

YOUR IDEA HERE: A Toolkit for Unlocking the Community Potential of Vacant Storefronts

Empty storefront retail space is an issue facing many neighborhoods across the country, and once that often requires collaboration between neighborhood councils, commercial property owners and…